Dear Mother – Thank you so much for your postcard – I wired to Ted & am so pleased to hear he is quite fit and well. It will be lovely seeing him – & we must get all the family together this time.
Will you ask Chubbie to come and stay for a day or two – if there’s any room – Mr Kirwan will always give one of us boys a room won’t he? I get to Longdon late on Tuesday night – that is if everything goes allright & I have written to Ted about coming down home the next day-.
I had a long letter from Ben yesterday.
I must get along with some work now-
With ever so much love
Your ever loving son
It’s difficult to tell whether Paul knew Ted was wounded. My guess is that he did know from the annoucement in the Gazette, and the entire family, Gertrude included, are reassuring each other like mad.