July 13/16
Dear Mother
The mail is very late this week and won’t be in for 2 days yet, & that makes us 10 days without a mail. I don’t know why it’s so late, I suppose it got held up somewhere. We have had torrents of rain all the week, and hardly a fine interval, but I suppose we must expect this kind of thing at this time of year.
What stirring things are happening on the Western Front, are’nt they; but I’m afraid the casualty lists are woefully long. However we seem to be making good progress, though of course very slow & methodical; but it’s impossible for it to be otherwise; an advance must be slow & cautious, & we must feel our way along & make mistakes as few as possible by running no unnecessary risks. The new armies seem to be fighting splendidly; what a tribute to Kitchener, & I have no doubt his untimely death has spurred them on.
I’m afraid I’ve got a bit behind hand with my correspondence lately & I owe lots of letters; I must try & work them off this afternoon. I’ve just had a gorgeous swim in our tank at the mess; it was half raining at the time but of course that made no difference. It was pretty cold, the water, but gloriously refreshing : good exercise too.
We are all anxiously waiting Jellicoe’s despatch, which is now published I see. We have had bits of it in telegrams, but I suppose the whole thing will get out here eventually. From all accounts it’s very technical & somewhat hard to follow in parts.
Excuse a dull lettter only there’s no news. All work here; Dick & I are trying to fix up a one day’s meeting at Ambala now he’s on his ambulance train for a bit, but we have’nt managed it yet!
Love to all
From your loving son
Jellicoe’s despatch