H.M.S. Gloucester
Dear Mother.
V. many thanks for your letter – it arrived a bit late – as I generally get them on Monday – but it has only just arrived. So Ted has been up for another board – will he go out again or are they going to give him something to do in England?
Well the whole family seems to be employed one way or another now, don’t they – ripping I think. Ben’s job sounds very amusing – I think the hiring of our Court sounds very spy-ish – Where does the Baroness live?
Yes that was the show we had with the A. of York – there was a long article in most of the papers. I think he said much too many good things about us.
We have had the most poisonous weather lately – seems to continually rain – to-day at last it has cleared up a little.
Yes- I will write to Ruth – do you mean to say she is 21 – I can’t realise it – she seems about 17.
We had our 1st anniversary dinner last Saturday – of our action with the “Breslau” – the Captain came in and dined with us and several of us had guests from other ships- We had a very cheery sing song afterwards
Nothing interesting at all has happened lately – and I am afraid my letters are always awfully short – but there is really nothing to tell you – when you are stuck onboard a ship for about a month-
I am awfully fit and well!
With ever so much love to you all
Your ever loving son