Look and feel

03 Jan

I spent a while looking for an appropriate look and feel for the site. It’s a WordPress site, and I am not proud, so I’m happy to use out of the box wordpress themes. I settled on Runu, which I like because it looks like a notepad and the font is era-appropriate being times-new-romanish.  You are probably reading this post in this theme right now, but in case you aren’t, this is what it looks like – click on the image below for a larger version.

Runo Theme

But recently I saw another theme which I also like and which also looks a little like letters, but letters written in leather note cases.

Choco for Post

I think I prefer the second one, but I’d like some other thoughts from other people. What do you think?


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Posted by on 3 January, '14 in About, WWI


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