May 8th/15
Dear Mother
Very many thanks for your last letter. The weather now has indeed changed & last week in the trenches it was really quite hot, and almost like India at times! It was very thundery too, & one day we did actually have a thunderstorm- Today it is much cooler again with a lovely breeze.
All the country round here is a mass of orchards, so you can imagine how perfectly gorgeous they are all looking now, a mass of blossom. And the meadows all full of dandelions and cowslips, really too gorgeous for words; I feel I should just like to wander about in a place like this always, it is so eminently perfect. One can almost forget war and its attendant horrors, in fact I could hardly help doing so in such gorgeous surroundings, only there are a whole lot of guns round about here & they are constantly reminding us where we are and what we are doing. How lovely it must be at home now with all the trees and hedges coming out. I got the baccy all right yesterday, I think I told you, did’nt I? I hope so, as I try to write as often as I can.
Excuse this rather shabby paper, but I can find nothing else just for the present
I had a long letter from Jane yesterday, she seems to be enjoying herself with Dick all right- I’m so glad Jim is going to get a commission, I’m sure it’s the right thing to do. Please send me some soap, Coal Tar is the best I think. I don’t think there is anything else I want just at present. Best love to all, from your loving son