8 March 1918 – Ted to Gertrude

08 Mar

March 8/18


Dear Mother

Just a line to catch a doubtful mail and to thank you most awfully for a gorgeous parcel which arrived 2 days ago containing soap, malted milk & chocolate, every one of them absolutely the thing at the moment. Thanks most awfully for them, it’s ripping getting a surprise packet like that when one is out on trek as we are at present.

Tomorrow we march 18 miles, after a few days’ stay here, and after that I dunno what happens. It’s been still and warm today, with clouds about and a distinct promise of rain. I suppose we shall march clean away from our tents – as usual! – though we have stayed long enough here to let them catch us up, but they can never move us on the light “operation” scale with our tents, we always pick em up later. But it does no harm and after all it’s part of the show, but it’s unpleasant when it rains-

I don’t know when we shall be able to catch a post again, but with these fortnightly mails from India & a weekly one from here- or so-called weekly – one never knows how many mails one is catching! I mean this may turn up by the same mail as the next letter I write, maybe 10 days hence, though I don’t anticipate such a long wait as that. You had been a long time without a mail when you last wrote – about 10th Jan, Nell said so too, I do hope they were’nt sunk-

All well here. Our ‘planes have been bombing the wretched Turk today, their usual daily amusement! We have had no Hun over lately – tap wood! – but I don’t think he’s very well off for ‘planes or very enterprising either.

Dinner time & I must post this.

Love to all

yr loving son      Ted


Fortnum & Mason’s things have’nt turned up yet, no sign of them & no letter to the Mess President from them saying they are coming- Could you enquire? It is so disappointing

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Posted by on 8 March, '18 in About


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