8 March 1916 – Paul to Gertrude

08 Mar

H.M.S. Malaya

c/o G.P.O.

Ash Wednesday


Dear Mother-

Thanks very much for your letter- I think the phases of censorship & one thing & another tend to make my letters take such a long time – one thing if I miss the only mail out in the day – it has to wait 24 hours before it leaves the ship – so that accounts for it probably.

I’ve just had a long letter from Ted – he seems to be happy enough – he says they are going to the place where he was originally bound – does that mean India-

We have had bitterly cold weather here too – violent snowstorms – I seem to have lost a good many of my woollen things – such as mittens & Balaclava helmets during my shifting ships. I’m sure I packed them in the Gloucester – but I can’t find them now – so if you hear of any benevolent person who has knitted a helmet or a mitten – you might ask if I can have them – Sickening having lost mine – because I had some awfully nice ones.

We’ve started measles – in the Wardroom too- I hope I escape them – as I did in the Gloucester.

So you’ve been to see the shop, it does sound a nice clean sort of place – & you seem to approve of it – which is a great thing to my mind because you were awfully unhappy about Jane going there to start with – I thought – but now you’ve seen it – it helps a lot does’nt it?

Poor old Topher – he seems to have had a rotten time lately – & I do so hope he will get a commission – he deserves one I’m sure. Is there any more chance of his getting his leave fairly soon?

They seem to have had some terrific fighting lately don’t they. I can’t imagine how the Huns can go on losing all those men – it seems incredible –

Well I must get to bed-

Ever so much love to you all-

Your ever loving son


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Posted by on 8 March, '16 in HMS Malaya, Rosyth


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