June 30/16
Dear Mother
The mail is late again this week & won’t be in till tomorrow, so I have no letters to answer; I think I answered your last one at the beginning of this week, did’nt I? Very hot & muggy again now & there is such a change after the continuous downpour of the last 2 weeks.
I enclose a few photographs of the mess taken with the new camera I’ve just bought; very small but quite clear really, & I expect any photographs taken with it would enlarge all right. Have you sent mine out to Dick I wonder.
I’m longing to get this next mail, as it ought to have your first news of the Naval battle; as far as one can make out there was a feeling of depression at first, but it seems to have changed since, now that more & more details of the German losses are gradually coming out. I sent a cable to Paul congratulating him; I wonder if it ever got to him.
I have’nt been able to get any leave yet, but I may get some at the end of July; but we are still all very busy; we have had several new officers posted to the regiment, who are all very young & inexperienced so one has a good deal to do looking after them.
Excuse a dull letter only there’s no news. I think things will begin to move on the western front soon. Are’nt the Russians doing splendidly; nothing seems to stop them.
Must end up
Best love to all
yr loving son