2 May 1915 – Ted to Ben

02 May

May 2

Dear Ben

Here are your Zoo tickets, I trust they will help you to spend a happy hour or two there. Percy says hang on to his cards & don’t part with them, but show one and write your name in a book, & then you’ll always be able to get into the Royal Pav.

Will you do something for me please? Thanks. I want you to get me from Hugh Rees a cover for ARMY BOOK 153. He has a special kind, the same shape & leather as those little writing blocks you get at Hugh Rees. It has a talc cover on one side for putting a map in. Send it along as soon as you can.

No news here; all well, lively weather, trenches quite comfy, but it is drizzling a bit today-

I hear poor Banks has been killed; I’m most awfully sorry.

Got a Tatler & Bystander today, many thanks.

So long

Lots of love from


The enclosed cutting made me roar! Show it to Dick.


Army Book 153 –


Posted by on 2 May, '15 in About


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