H.M.S. Gloucester. Malta
Sunday, 2nd Aug
Well Mother as these times are very critical and perhaps there may be no more mails for some time, I suppose I ought to sit down and write a sort of farewell letter – of course we are all awfully excited over these rumours of wars etc, but I cannot tell you any thing about it at all, however much I know, and it makes it all the harder to write really.
If anything happens – my monetary affairs are quite settled- I have a Banker – all the same as Cox – called Stilwell & Sons- 42 Pall Mall – who hold a life Insurance of mine for £100 & I am sending them all my bills, receipts etc- & they will see to all that – the £100 will easily cover everything, & what’s left over they will send to you. Of course Mother, we all hope & pray this will not have to happen yet- I want to see you all again, naturally- & one feels so far away out here. But all this is put to one side when anything happens in earnest, a momentary homesick feeling & then King & Country-
Well Goodbye Mother – I hope & pray I shall be able to write to you for years & years to come – and that all this will finish up with everybody happy-
My very best love to you all and God bless you –
always your loving son
Paul’s writing looks like a scrawl but it is probably the most legible of all the brothers’. Of course, he was frequently writing on board ship.
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