11 July 1918 – Richard to Gertrude

11 Jul

11th July


My dear Mother.

Have’nt had a letter from you for ages. I expect you have written to Alex, but I have’nt managed to get hold of them yet. I am now with 39 Indian General Hospital E.E.F. but I expect by the time you get this & write to this address I shall be moved on, they seem to have a knack of shifting one about in this country.

I am quite happy here on the sea shore, & lovely bathing, but nothing much else to do. It’s very hot of course & there’s no shade except a few date trees. Tons of figs though, & I am longing for them to get ripe.

We were nearly torpedoed on the way out. The torpedoe got within a few feet of the ship, but we were swinging round & just swung in time. Most exciting, & we finished up by the torpedoe & the ship going along side by side.


(drawing of incident)


I wonder if Ted is home & married. I saw George at Alex & he said he imagined Ted was expected any moment when he left. I have quite a good job here, registrar they call it. I wonder if Ruth is in Marseilles yet.

Best love to all

yr loving son


Wait…? What….? Ruth is going to Marseilles? It is frustrating to get such slight glimpses of what the sisters are doing. 

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Posted by on 11 July, '18 in About


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